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Ring Rollout

Difficulty: Intermediate

Ring rollouts are an excellent abdominal exercise, that generate an incredible amount of muscular tension.

How to

  1. Grip the gymnastics rings with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart in a ring push-up position.
  2. Slowly push yourself forward in a controlled rollout, stretching out the torso as far as you can without compromising form.
  3. Stop when fully stretched and pause for a moment.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Notes: Leg position can be bent, crossed or straight during the exercise.
Practice the false grip pull-up to strengthen your wrists and prepare for the muscle-up.


The ring rollout is an excellent core body exercise and places particular emphasis on developing strong, lean abdominal muscles. The exercise generates a great deal of tension in the body and requires impressive strength to control. It’s a very similar exercise to ab rollouts, using the basic ab wheel except you have greater control of your path of motion, of the exercise diiculty, and your shoulders aren’t restricted by the narrow-handle grip required for ab wheels.

Beginning the Ring Rollout

The ring rollout is a challenging exercise.

If you’re just starting out and struggling with the required strength or form you can try the following approaches:
Perform the ring rollout from a kneeling position rather than standing.
Adjust the rings so that they’re higher from the ground and the angle of the rollout is less severe.
Continue to lower the rings as you gain strength.

Beginning the Ring Rollout

The ring rollout is a challenging exercise. If you’re just starting out and struggling with the required strength or form you can try the following approaches: Perform the ring rollout from a kneeling position rather than standing Adjust the rings so that they’re higher from the ground and the angle of the rollout is less severe. Continue to lower the rings as you gain strength.

Advanced Ring Rollouts

When you’ve got to grips with the standard ring rollout and looking to add that extra
intensity you can progress using the following techniques:

Continue to lower the rings until they’re as close to the ground as possible.
Add resistance using a weighted vest.
Perform one-arm rollouts